Superstition Soirée ( Vancouver, BC, 2023.10) —— live painting
InBtwn Café ( Vancouver, BC, 2023-07) —— Live painting
Surrey Muse ( Surrey, BC, 2023-07) —— Live painting performances
Live painting on steaming at Cosmic vibration Radio at “B-SIDE” ( Vancouver, BC, 2023.06)
Vantek at the vault ( Vancouver, BC, 2023.06) —— Live painting
Surrey Muse (Surrey, BC, 2023.05) —— live Painting performance
Juicebox Collective presents: The Hidden Lotus (Vancouver, BC, 2023.04) —— Insulation Art & Live Painting
Delta Unbound Poetry Festival 2023 (Delta, BC, 2023.04) —— Live painting on Canvas
Vancouver Independent Film Festival Show ( Vancouver, BC, 2023.02) —— Live body painting and design
Flux Neon Party (Vancouver, BC, 2022.09) —— Face/ Body painting ( for the dance floor)
Mexico Indepen Dance Day (Gorgomish, Vancouver, BC, 2022.09) —— Face/ Boday painting ( for the dance floor)
Electric Love Festival (Chase, BC, 2022.08) —— Face/Body painting (for stage dancers)
Re-Connected (Levels, Vancouver, BC, 2022.06) —— Face/ Boday painting ( for the dance floor)
Unbound Delta’s Poetry Festival ( Delta, BC, 2022.04)—— Live painting performance
Processgsive Maness ( Vancouver, BC, 2022.02) —— Face/ Boday painting ( for the dance floor)
Revolution Techno (New Westminster, BC, 2021.11) —— Live Painting and Impromptu performance
Back to School Festival (Squamish, BC, 2021.09) —— Stage Mural painting
Clouds 9 Festival (Squamish, BC, 2021.07) —— Live body painting profermancce
Paradise Valley ( Chilliwack, BC, 2021.07) —— Stage Mural painting
Alien Abduction Festival (Squamish, BC, 2021.07) —— Art workshop
Deep Forest Festival ( Hope, BC, 2021.06) —— Mural painting